How to wear a Saree

A perfect fit for everybody. And not as complicated to wear as you might suppose. Here is showing you how simple it really is ....

Step 1:

Part of the secret of the saree are the "under" garments - a waist -to- floor length petticoat, tied tightly at the waist by a drawstring. (No elastic, please!) And a tight fitting blouse that ends just below the bust - short sleeved, long sleeved or sleeveless, with a variety of necklines.


Step 2:

Starting at the navel, tuck the plain end of the saree into the petticoat for one complete turn from right to left. Make sure that the lower end of the saree touches the floor.


Step 3 & 4:

Beginning from the tucked-in end start making pleats in the saree, about 5 inches deep. Make about 7 to 10 pleats and hold them up together so that they fall straight and even.


Step 5:Tuck the pleats into the waist slightly to the left of the navel, and make sure that they are turned towards the left.


Step 6:Drape the remaining fabric around yourself once more left to right, and bring it up under the right arm and over the left shoulder so that it falls to about the level of the knees.


Step 7:

The end portion thus draped is the pallav, and can be prevented from slipping off by fixing it at the shoulder to the blouse with a small safety pin.



Very simple and beautiful indeed!.
